喝茶時間 tea time

喝茶時間 tea timeis a zine published by The Thinking Tea in 2020.          How important is to keep an intimate relationship with your own thoughts? You have your own “Tea Time,” which is the moment when you feel sleepy, stressed and forced to think or work properly. There is a “thinking tea room” in your mind that serves “tea time” for you. This zine tells its story based on five menu items in the Thinking Tea Room: brunch store dreams, broken mirror, party, disco night and the thinking tea.

每個人都有自己的「喝茶時間」,就是那些疲倦模糊又需迫使自己思考的夜晚或是白天。而每個人心中都有一間思想茶店默默提供著喝茶時間。 菜單上的五種商品各說著不同的故事,有那些正在追逐夢想的記憶、照鏡子去感受自己千百種樣子的困惑、只想放空的那些蛋糕派對、在倉促的日子之間記住瞬間以及我所詮釋的喝茶時間。 希望讀了這本Zine的人都能找到自己的那間思想茶店,建立屬於自己的一份菜單,屬於自己的「喝茶時間」。

Sensations Print Zine Introduction 感官文化印刷 小誌介紹
The Thinking Tea (Ingrid Lu)

Alvin Yao @alvinyao.jpg @_alvinyao_

A6 Color printing
彩色印刷 膠裝含書腰
94 page
Year 2020
Self published
Sensations Print 感官文化印刷, Taiwan

Available at Par Store